Archive for the ‘politics’ Category

Anti Semitism in Canada

June 24, 2008

Once again the Jews are the victim of hate crimes. The government of Canada reported that Jews are the victims of 63% of crimes motivated by religion.  This weekend, swastikas and anti-Semitic graffiti were sprayed on the wall of a Jewish community center in British Columbia Vancouver.

This is why Jews need a homeland.

Israeli Arabs prefer to live in Israel

June 23, 2008

 A recent survey conducted by Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Governemnt found that 77% of Israeli Arabs prefer to live in Israel than any other nation.  These are the seven words that Israel’s critics do not want to hear.  ( The 7 words reference is in honor of George Carlin who died today.)

The lead researhcer, Professor Todd Pitisnksy, commented that the media plays up the divide between Arab and Jews and ignores the very real efforts made towards coexistence.

I bet that the media does not cover the findings of this poll. It does not fit in with their agenda.

Kristof of New York Times writes about Israel

June 23, 2008

Nicholas Kristof is a little rough on Israel in his column, “Two Israels”. I think he minimized the effect of Palestinian terror on the Israeli civilian population.

 But he still gives Israelis credit.  “Yet it is also here that you see the very best side of Israel. Israeli human rights groups relentlessly stand up for Palestinians. Israeli women volunteer at checkpoints to help Palestinians through. Israeli courts periodically rule in favor of Palestinians.”


Carla Bruni has stolen the show

June 23, 2008

To papaphrasae John Kennedy, French President Nicholas Sarkozy accompanied Carla to Jerusalem. Let’s hope she writes a song about her visit.

By the way, Sarko said, “France will block anyone seeking to destroy Israel.”

Mayor Bloomberg defends Obama

June 22, 2008

Where are our Jewish leaders?  Why have they been absent on this important issue? They are allowing hate to be sowed in the name of Israel.

 Mike Bloomberg, the Republican mayor of New York City, had to step in and save the day for a Democratic presidential candidate, Barack Obama.  While In Florida, Mayor Mike urged Jews to ignore the false rumours that Obama is a Muslim.

He correctly said, “These demagogues are hoping to exploit the political differences between the Jewish and Muslim people to spread fear and mistrust.”

Hats off to Rabbi Bloomberg.

Obama is not a Muslim

June 21, 2008

I received another one of the anti Obama emails. This one showed his family in Africa and tried to prove unsuccessfully that Obama is a Muslim. These emails make me embarrassed to be a Jew.

Lies have been spread about the Jews for years. We have been hurt by this. So how do we do it someone else?

“The Daily Show” takes on AIPAC

June 21, 2008

Jon Stewart, the host of the Daily Show, is lucky that he is born Jewish. He violated the 11th commandment – Do not disparge the Israel lobby.

Thomas Friedman writes about Israel in NYT

June 20, 2008

Thomas Friedman asks what do Warren Buffett, the second richest man in the world, and the Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, have in common. Although in opposite directions, they have both made a bet about Israel’s future.  Warren Buffett has invested $4 billion in the Israeli company Iscar. Ahmadinejad declared  that Israel ” will soon be wiped out from the geographic scene.”

Friedman recommended going long Buffett and short Ahmadinejad.  “Israel is a weak state with a strong civil society. The economy is exploding from the bottom up.”