Posts Tagged ‘biden’

Biden is the one

August 23, 2008

I am totally stoked that Obama’s Vice President is Senator Joseph Biden.  I have known Biden and his wonderful aides, Dennis Toner and Ted Kauffman for years. Biden is considered the third senator from Pennsylvania, my home state. I worked on his 1988 campaign for president.

Dennis, in fact, gave me a heads up on the selection.  Dennis, unlike many politicians, never shunned me during the terrible periods of my life. Both he and Ted even wrote to the Judge on my behalf.  Biden does not attract politically expedient staffers. He hires real people. His wife, Jill, has always been gracious to me even though I am just a lowly campaign volumteer. 

 Biden commuted by train from Wilmington to Washington. He does have a Washington townhouse.

Biden has been a good friend to Israel and the Soviet Jewry movement. That should quell the Jewish critics of Obama. He is not perfect on abortion but okay. He did establish the 1994 Violence Against Women Act. It did not help me but it was a huge step forward for women.